The bedbug control specialists
07989 668343
Portable Capsule
The ServiceCare Portable Heat Capsule (Diathermic Treatment Capsule) is used to carry out heat treatment on site.
The Capsule itself is roughly the size of a Queen size bed but folds into easily transportable cases to allow it to be used in the home.
The ServiceCARE portable Heat Capsule acts like a giant convector oven, allowing beds, bedside tables, curtains, soft furnishings etc to be placed inside for treatment.
The precise amount of heat required is automatically supplied and regulated throughout the process by a heat sensors.
This method DOES NOT require the use of external pipes and diesel generators. All equipment is carried by hand into the room discreetly and operates using domestic electricity sockets. It is extremely discreet - your guests or neighbours need not know why we are here!